Every artwork has a story. Some take unexpected detours, while others circle back to where they began. This is one of those stories.

In this post, I'd like to share my process of creating a piece from start to finish.
Fragile Earth is a mixed media painting, a hybrid of collage, acrylics and drawing materials. In 2009, I found my signature style of mixing collage with oil paint and I went on to produce a series of large portraits about addiction and the price of fame. Each piece was labour intensive, so after the project was complete, I left that style behind.
However, it would appear that mixed media and long hours are my destiny. The idea of painting landscapes to express concerns about climate change seemed like a great idea, but after numerous studies and becoming more disconnected from my creative self, I had to ditch it. And so, I found myself back in the studio, surrounded by tiny pieces of paper, gallons of glue and bright coloured paint. Ahhh, I’d come home.
Terra Fragilis – What Does It Mean?
Before jumping into the process, let’s have a quick chat about the meaning behind the piece. Calla Lilies have deep connections to Paganism and Christian Iconography. The Romans associated them with the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year and would force the flowers to bloom indoors to celebrate the preservation of light.
It’s no surprise that they signify fertility and sexuality, but I was drawn to these upright flowers as symbols of natural resilience. They also represent overcoming one's past and the ability to put dark secrets behind and start anew – all fantastic metaphors for our fragile, yet resilient planet.
Hopefully, the collage will speak for itself, so I’ll leave you to browse through the images and find the symbolism. 🧐
Click on the images to enlarge.
Behind all my work rests a narrative, and I hope this one piqued your interest. Did the symbolism resonate with you? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for reading. This post is open-source, so feel free to share.
